Everyday through every neighborhood in California a pest control technician is servicing to take care of bugs. Pest control companies have been servicing homes in California for decades to take care of ant, spider, roach, and rodent problems. Pest control is the act of using different treatments to rid homes and businesses of bug and rodent problems. Servicing a home involves several different procedures depending on the particular problem. It can involve the use of pesticides for insects, sweeping eaves of spiders, trapping rodents, and different baits. The pest control industry in California is regulated by several government agencies but in particular the Structural Pest Control board. www.pestboard.ca.gov These agencies as well as the industry itself are constantly revising service techniques and licensing procedures in order to protect the customers, the environment, the pest control technicians, and the general public.

        The premier services offer one price to cover the home for all pest invasions. Regular services are scheduled and performed to rid the home of these pests. When pests invade between services, the premier providers usually offer free retreats. Depending on the size of the home to be serviced, the problems to be treated, and the frequency of service, the customer is setup into a one year service agreement.

        Universal Marketing is involved in helping these companies expand their business by finding new customers. We go door-to-door explaining the pest services of our host company and what makes them the best choice for the residential customer. Before summer sales campaigns began 20 years ago, customers regularly signed up by calling through the phone book, listening to commercials, or by word of mouth. Now, we contact customers and explain the advantages of our service and set them up with our services. This new effort has enabled companies to grow in specific markets with clients that understand exactly what the service will provide as well as the advantages of service with our company. The hope of the pest control company is that if a good service is provided, the customer will continue to accept service for years. Many customers will stick with quality services for many years even decades. As a salesman, the effort to explain the advantages of a quality pest service is rewarded with a commission based on a percentage of the first year’s expected charges. When selling pest control, you have the opportunity to contact people who are looking to get rid of a problem that is constant.